Friday, February 27, 2009

February Twenty Seven

Sorry, I've been neglecting this.
I'm not very good at the blogging thing.

Well, today the people from the blood bank were at my school but I couldn't donate because I'm not sixteen yet. Part of me really wishes I were, for many reasons, and the other part of me doesn't, for many reasons.

Growing up is a freaky thing.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

February Twenty One

I hang out with a bunch of drama queens.

That is all I have to say on the subject.

Showbread cancelled their tour in March because Ricky had a death in his family. This was going to be my first time seeing them live, but I'm very sad for the guys; way more than I am for myself. It's got to be rough.

I'm definitely praying for all of them.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

February Eleven

It was ridiculously warm out today.
Last week we had a foot of snow on the ground.
I can't believe how warm it was.

I was outside barefoot in a tee-shirt.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

February Eight


Wednesday, February 4, 2009

February Four


A whole eight inches of it.

I was sick yesterday and read Lord of the Flies again. Fun fun fun.

Monday, February 2, 2009

February Two

I have decided that for a week, I am going to see if I can avoid taking part in any of the idiocy that has been going on within my group of friends at school lately. And by lately, I mean the last two years.

I am going to see if I can go for a week (and hopefully much, much longer) without laughing at, smiling at or contributing to what has for a while, been a poor excuse for conversation. It used to be funny, but now it's just digusting and perverted and immature and unintelligent and ridiculous. Anything that ever comes out of anyone's mouth anymore is either a swearword or a sex joke. I sick and tired of it. Serious conversation isn't even remotely possible anymore. Lately, I've just been angry almost all the time and when they asked me why, I can't try to actually explain because they think I'm kidding around and just twist it some more and throw in some extra sexual humor because they're just hilarious.

Wow, I sound like I absolutely despise my friends, which isn't true. During the very, very, extremely small intervals of time that they are not being idiots, they're awesome. I love them to death.

I started praying like crazy last night, just because I felt like I needed to, about pretty much everything and I definitely need to start praying a lot more, and this was the most important thing. (Holy run-on sentence!) I know I'm not perfect, I join in with all the stupidity all the time. And I can't change how I am or how anyone is by myself, so I'm praying that God will help me out and that somehow in the process of myself being changed, that will start to rub off on my friends.

I'm going to start out with one week, and see what happens from there.


Friday, January 30, 2009

January Thirty

Today I slipped on ice a grand total of eight times, but I only fell once. It's pretty nasty out there.

I'm not gonna lie, I love snow and winter and the like, but when it rains and freezes on top of the snow and I can ice-skate on my back lawn, that's a little too much.

I was going to take pictures the day it snowed, but then it started rain/sleeting and I didn't want to screw up my camera. Bummer.

Everyone is sick except for me, so I'm probably doomed.

On another note, I am not excited for the Superbowl at all. There could not possibly be a worse pair of teams participating in it.

It is frigid in my house. That is all.